Official Selected - Film/Screenplay
Alone Directed by Arthur Casez (France)
AMOUR NOIR - MUDDY LOVE Directed by Victor Herault
AmphibiaIan Directed by Odermatt
Arrivederci Paris version sous-titrée en anglais Directed by Salvatore Bellanti
CAMBOUIS Directed by Marc BRUNIER MESTAS, Gregory ROBIN (France)
Cards Directed by Laura Jean Bransky
CJ Directed by Alden Wallace
Clarity Directed by Bryce Mackie (United States)
Drainpipe Diamond Directed by Joe ByrneIreland
Electro Dude Directed by (Henry Fothergill)
From The Top Directed by Rich Farris (United Kingdom)
Ghost Stories Directed by Jon Cohen
In the Wake of the Cedar Tree Directed by Towustasin (Canada)
Inseparable Directed by Samuel Greco (United Kingdom)
Kent Hammer Directed by Dominick Green (United States)
Love you, always Directed by Toni-Ann Robertson
Out of control Directed by bellopropello (Switzerland)
PAPI Directed by Jared Yeh (Taiwan)
Picking up corpses Directed by Zhang Chenshuo (China)
Rewind Directed by Lam Jun Yin (Malaysia)
Samurai Directed by Andrea BasileItaly
Slow Dating Directed by Adam Szudrich (Australia)
So does the silence Directed by Sami Schinaia
Socio Directed by Hugo Cura (Spain)
Stories archipelago Directed by Daphne TARGOTAY
Stories We Could Have Told You Directed by Darcy Miller
The End of the World Directed by Constantinos Dimitrakopoulos (Greece)
The Lone Sheep Directed by Terrie Ann Forrest (Canada)
The Spawn Directed by Julian Wallner (Germany)
Thirsty Directed by Derek Fleek
Thread of Fate Directed by Melfin Jenifer Pereira (United Kingdom)
Transparent|Diafanis Directed by Stergios Mikroutsikos, Ilias Lachanas (Greece)
Twinkle Directed by Jacob Rodela, Akio Kozuka, Mavis Xu, Dixin Tan, Xueting Jiang, Isabella Li, Jonathan Chen, Shan-Shan Ou Yang, Michelle Seliga, Matthew Junn (Canada)